
Abdussamad Abdurrazzaq

Web Development and Linux System Administration


Linux System Administration

I’m a self-taught System Administrator. I have the following skills some of which I’ve blogged about on my site:

  1. Installing and configuring software on Linux.
  2. Optimizing Apache, Nginx, PHP and MySQL.
  3. Setting up authoritative nameservers using bind, maradns or powerdns.
  4. Setting up fastcgi caching for WordPress sites with Nginx as the web server
  5. Securing SSH access
  6. Configuring netfilter firewall via iptables
  7. Installing SSL certificates and configuring the web server so that it uses secure ciphers.
  8. Basic bash scripting
Website Development
WordPress Plugin development using PHP:

I’ve developed a few plugins over the years such as Ajax Whois, Comment Form message and Bitcoin Address. All my commercial and opensource plugins are listed here.

Migrating sites to WordPress

I’ve created scripts for migrating sites from Nucleus CMS and Serendipity CMS to WordPress and offer that service to clients via my website. Some of the sites I’ve migrated to WordPress are, and

Work history

2007 – 2011 : Self-employed as a webmaster of high traffic proxy sites. My sites got about 250,000 unique visitors a month and my source of income was the advertising revenue generated by that traffic. The sites would get a lot of concurrent visitors to dynamic PHP pages that could not be cached. So this was when I taught myself how to optimize Apache to handle all that traffic.

Late 2011 – present: Freelancing, selling WP plugins and selling Google Apps domain names

Contact Information

Phone: +92 31 2223 1113


Location: Karachi, Pakistan