Ajax Whois for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to add a domain name lookup form to your WordPress blog posts or pages. This WordPress domain search plugin is fast, supports dozens of Top Level Domain names and has lots of options for customization.

Ajax Whois WordPress Plugin
- Supports over 4 dozen Top Level Domain names (TLDs). You can choose which TLDs to allow and the order in which they are displayed.
- Fully customizable appearance including background and text colors, borders, shadow effects and more. No coding required!
- Enter a domain registration link and it will be displayed when a domain name is available for registration. This way you can earn affiliate revenue from a domain registrar or link to a shopping cart or order form.
- Supports searching in multiple TLDs at the same time or a single TLD at a time.
- Ajax Whois form can be embedded in any WordPress blog post or page. It can also be shown on category archive pages.
- The plugin can display full whois details or simply a message pertaining to domain name availability.
Check out some of the screen shots of the plugin and its administration options:
- Main Settings
- Display styles
- Form Display options
- Select List options
- Query field display options
- Ajax Whois button for WordPress visual editor
System requirements
Ajax Whois requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. It has been successfully tested and proven to work in all versions from 3.3 to 6.7.2.
Get the plugin
This WordPress whois plugin has now been released for free under the GNU GPL v3 license. It can be downloaded by clicking here.