Adding community repositories in YaST

YaST is the system configuration and software installation tool that comes with OpenSUSE Linux. You can use YaST to easily install, remove and update programs on your Linux system. YaST downloads software from various online repositories that keep collections of  organized software. By default YaST only includes the official openSUSE repositories. But to install most software packages you will need to enable community repositories like the Packman repository. This is how you go about doing it.
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Worldcall upgrades Internet connections

Ethernet cableWorldcall provides broadband Internet services via a hybrid fibre optics and coaxial cable infrastructure. In recent years worldcall has lost a lot of customers to DSL providers like PTCL which offer cheaper rates and higher speeds. This increased competition has finally forced worldcall to upgrade its customers’ connections.

The new packages have not yet been officially announced but worldcall customers have already noticed the faster speeds. The new packages have twice the download speeds as the old ones for around the same price. Continue reading